Archive for October, 2007



I was driving to UKM this morning when this crazy thought hit me. Illogical and non-sensical stuff basically. But I thought it might be fun to just post it here and see how people will respond to it.

Jesus light
Photo taken by nsng (a member of Original photo here.

I think that the little voice in our head that we call intuition or instinct or gut feeling or God’s voice or whatever you choose to call it… is something that God(or whatever He/She/It is called) planted in our brains. This is so that he can some how sub-consciously control us (maybe ‘guide’ is a better word), well… sort of.

It’s like intuition is the switch and God is the finger. He flicks it whenever he is trying to steer us to a direction He thinks is the best for us. Or maybe used it to steer us out of potential trouble.

Lets say…
Ooooh, something bad is about to happen. The Finger hits the switch and the teensy-weensy light bulb lights up. So you can choose to acknowledge this signal, or just ignore it. And in some people’s case, they just don’t feel it at all. I’m sure you’ve heard of people saying that I can feel something bad is about to happen, or somehow I just remembered something and didn’t go.

I guess how strong you feel it depends on how strong your faith is in God/supreme being/religion. I certainly don’t have the sensitivity to feel this intuition. But I’ve seen it in many people who has strong faith in whatever religion the believe in.

I guess I’m just not religious enough. How about you?


Complain… jangan tak complain!

I made an internet transaction a few days back. The parcel was supposed to arrive today. It did. The lazy-cheap-ass delivery fella came and honked his motorcycle like a were-wolf during a full moon. I heard it, but I thought it might be a neighbour’s guest… since he did not ring the door bell. By the time he rang the doorbell, I sprinted down stair to see the guy leaving. I called out for him, and the bugger saw me. But he still left!

When I told my dad about this, he said PosLaju’s delivery has been doing that recently. Instead of ringing the doorbell, they just honk and honk and honk. Then leave.

Then he bagan complaining to me, and a few guests who happened to be at my house that time. What is this? Why not just complain to PosLaju? I did.

We Malaysians like to complain. We complain this… complain that… complain about everything in Malaysia. The problem is… we complain to our friends, our spouse, our brothers and sisters, parents, and everyone… except to the relevent party.

Then we say:

  • No use one lah… they won’t improve.
  • You know lah, these selfish Cina Ah Pek/lazy Malay/sneaky Indian companies (and other racist remarks) won’t listen and improve.

This is bad. I’ve come across many people who after being mugged/robbed/snatched/extorted and still will not make police reports. Being ill-treated/short-changed by companies/businesses and only complains to friends and his mamak gangs.

Go make a proper complaint. Yeah, I know… the ‘tidak apa’ attitude is all over the place. But if there are enough complaints, we all might just see some improvement one day. That is at least better than sitting around being pessimistic about it… and getting ill-treated again the next time.
P.S. Stupid lah PosLaju. After calling them, the customer service offered to re-send the package, but I’ll have to wait 2 days – and they can only send it on Sat (it’s Tue today). Huh?! Why not send it tomorrow? Or give me a call to check if there’s anyone home before dropping by? Wouldn’t that be easier for you, and for me too, eh?



Hooray! A Malaysian in space!

Have you ever wondered why our TV and gahmen never calls our dear ‘angkasawan’ in anything in English? Why not just call him an astronaut or cosmonaut, since these are the common terms for someone that goes on a mission to space. Why insist on using ‘angkasawan’ in English?

Because the good-looking doc (envy…jealous…) is NOT a bloody astronaut.

He’s a…. tadda…..

flight participant

I just don’t see what is there to be so proud of to being a spaceflight participant. There’s no technology transfer – which means we learn nothing from it. It takes years to train an astronaut. The doc only had one year of training — that is just a crash course so that you don’t be a hindrance to the real cosmonauts. I seriously doubt the knowledge he acquired from spaceflight participant training is of any good use except to train another angkasawan.

I would be so much more proud if there is a small Malaysian team in the ground support, or a Malaysian scientist working with the Russians in planning the flight, or a Malaysian engineer being part of the team that designed the rocket.

And spending RM80 million to be part of the expedition is a bit of a waste… no?

Well, at least I’d appreciate it if the 80 million Ringgit can be spent to improve the transportation infrastucture and system in KL & throughout Malaysia.

Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin has a few suggestions on how to make Malaysia a safer place with RM80 million.


Victim of Emotional Blackmail

First, let me ask you a few questions…

  • Are you female?
  • Are you old?
  • Are you a parent?
  • Are you the weaker party in a relationship?

If you answer yes to any of the above, then you are prone to emotionally blackmailing others.

Emotional blackmail is a manipulative technique usually used by the weaker party, to manipulate those close to them. It’s very hard to explain, so an example…

Grandma to child/grandchild, “I’m old already lah, you think I’m useless. You better put me in old folks home and let me die there alone. I die better lah, then you will be happy to get rid of a burden!”

Father to son, “So you think your old man is useless now that he has no job. Fine, I’ll go live alone somewhere. I don’t need anyone to take care of me. No need you to tell me, I’ll get rid of myself!”

Mother to son, “I work so hard everyday for you and you don’t appreciate it. I might as well work until I get sick and die. You don’t care for me anyway. Then you can claim all the insurance live happily ever after.”

Girlfriend to boyfriend, “You don’t love me. If you do, you would/wouldn’t have done this.”; “If you leave me, I’ll commit suicide and make you regret forever.”

Child to parents, “I’ll run away from home. I hope I’ll get raped and robbed. I hope you are happy if this happens to me!”

Now you get a clearer picture what is emo blackmail, eh? It’s a bad thing. It destroys a relationship. People who are manipulate feels like shite but can’t do a thing to prevent it. And people who blackmails will always use it to get what they want.

So, a good way is to not pacify them. Let them make noise and pretend tak dengar. If it gets worse (it usually will… some will even threaten suicide), then you need to make it known that you will not do what they want if they continue to make a fuss.

Or if you feel particularly irritated or nasty at the moment of being blackmailed…

you could threaten them back, saying that you would literally do what they said, which is to send them away/let them die/leave the house… and wish them luck.
(Maybe that’s what I’ll do the next time me pops or grandma tries to emo blackmail me again. Heh heh!)

So, are you a victim of emotional blackmail too? Or are you the blackmailer?
(come share your story…)

iamyuanwu’s fitness

Simplefit Level 6 day 3 = 14min 12s (12 Sep, Fri)

Hundred Pushups = Week 3 day 3 (13 Sep, Tue)

Stronglift 5x5 = temporary hiatus. Someone help me kick start plz, I mustn't waste the free Fitnesss First membership!

BN/UMN0 pisses me off!

Sep 05 BN MPs go 'study tour' to prevent them from jumping ship. X^D Stupiak tactic.
Sep 04 DrM 老马's seditious blog post <--click) inciting Malays to go amok. Told you DrM is evil.
Aug 29 Ahmad Ismail called me a bl00dy pendatang & do not deserve equal treatment. WTF?!

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