Archive for the 'Politics' Category


Cops Shot Boy

Malaysian Insider’s headline today: Neighbours’ anger over trigger-happy cops.

This is not the first instance events like these happens. My father has spoken of this before. He has a friend who was driving during around 7pm one day. The few moments before the sun sets is the time where the eyesight at its most kaput—it’s not totally dark, but it’s not exactly bright either.

This old friend of my dad was speeding along on the road. Due to the bad lighting, he didn’t notice a police road block until it was too late. He couldn’t stop his car in time, and drove past the road block. The police fired a warning shot into the air. Scared the pants out of that old fella. The police later told him that if he had continued to drive, they would’ve shot him without double guessing.

And from this scenario, we can easy postulate that similar unfortunate events of death/manslaughter have happened before. And will continue to occur.

So what happens when someone is shot dead but the person is not a criminal? He/she was merely being a careless driver who missed road block.

Easy: the police simply plants evidence of violence in your car. Dump an old pistol from previous crime scenes or parang in the car boot or something. The promptly claim that you are a wanted criminal involved in the recent XXX chain of murder/robbery.

I would go so far as to hypothesize that the poor boy, Aminulrasyid Amzah, was just having some fun driving his sister’s car in the neighbourhood. Come on, most of us have done that before. And when he saw a police road block, he panicked. Instead of braking, he stepped on the accelerator. Perfect scenario for an unfortunate death.

So whose fault is it? I’d say the police. They seems to be too trigger happy. What happened to the policy of ‘don’t fire unless fired upon’?

However, lets think from the policemen’s point of view. They are in an unpredictable situation, with minimal information at that time. Shoot to save yourself, or wait to get shot first? I understand why they did it, but I certainly DO NOT THINK THIS IS RIGHT! There is currently no independent police commission/agency that are keeping an eye on the police’s actions.

So what’s the point of this post? Is it to rant about our failed police system? Being a devil’s advocate for the police? A symphathy post for Aminulrasyid Amzah’s family?
It is all of the above. But the most important point of all: ALWAYS TOTALLY ABSOLUTELY STOP AT A POLICE ROAD BLOCK IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!

Yours Sincerely,


Nazri Spin-doctoring the Ban of ‘Allah’ Word

The daily also quoted Nazri to have said that the series of attacks against the houses of worship has proven that the government was right in its decision to restrict the use of the word.

“Banning the use of ‘Allah’ by Christians was a pre-emptive move to stop outbreaks of religious violence in the nation,” he reportedly said.

Nazri also drew a parallel between the “Allah” dispute and the ‘cow head protest’ in Shah Alam last year, against the relocation of a temple in the Selangor capital.

-quoted from The Malaysian Insider

Nazri oh Nazri. Please don’t give us these kind of bullsh1t. We’re not stupid.

The use of the word of ‘Allah’ in Christian text was never an issue in the first place. But thanks to Syed Hamid Albar, he turned it into a big thing. This is proof of the narrow-mindedness & bigotry BN gahmen had instilled into the minds of so many Malaysian.

If there wasn’t a ban, and an ensuing court case. This would totally be a non-issue. The gahmen could’ve done the right thing and explained to the public that the word ‘allah’ simply means god in Arabic. But all these cheebai politicians decided to add oil to fire.

“Lets stir religious and racial hatred. Then send the UMNO machai’s to create some chaos.”

Seriously, these politicians are stupid. If they create a peaceful environment for business and increase the standard of living… then there are more money in the system for them to get corrupted. People would turn a blind eye as long as our lives are good (well… sort of turn half-a-blind-eye). Is it that difficult to figure out? Mahathir forgot teach you guys all these meh?

Yours Religiously,


Who Are The Mules?

You will need to read the previous post “The Arrogant and Stubborn Mules” first.
From the previous post…
Obviously, ‘Grassdom’ is Malaysia. The ‘mules’ are…

Jeng! Jeng! Jeng…!!
*drum rolls…
Continue reading ‘Who Are The Mules?’


The Arrogant and Stubborn Mules

Let me start this post with a story ala Aesop style.

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful kingdom called the Grassdom. Grassdom was a great place. Full of natural resources, free from natural disasters. And many types of animals lived happily in Grassdom. Grassdom is ruled by a coalition of animals. They were the zebras, mules, horses and unicorns.

And because Grassdom was a flat grassland, it favoured the horses and zebras. Knowing their disadvantage as mules, they busted their ass working hard all the time. The worked together and formed groups to help each other.

Due to their hardwork, the mules managed to achieve certain success. They’ve built a reputation for being resourceful & hardworking animals that thrive in Grassdom, despite their disadvantages.

Slowly, the mules became proud. They liked to pat each others’ back and talk amongst themselves that the mules do not need the natural advantages that the horses and zebras possess to achieve success. And behind their backs, the mules called the horses & zebras lazy animals.

The mules also became very very stubborn. You see, the mules eat a lot of carrots. Due to diet limitations, the horses and zebras don’t consume carrots. They take oats & wheats instead. Sometimes, the carrots rot and it affected the oats and wheats. And this became unacceptable for the horses and zebras to eat the oats and wheats. The horses and zebras have no choice but to meet with the mules to discuss about this issue.

They claim that carrots are a very important food for them. And that the horses and zebras must respect the mules rights to grow carrots. And the accuse the horses & zebras as being inconsiderate to their needs for carrots. They make a big fuss over the issue, despite the fact that mules have no problem eating oats & wheats (it’s just that the mule didn’t eat them often).

The horses and zebras became pissed off with the mules’ attitude, and they were sick of the mules talking behind their backs calling them lazy. So they felt that there is only one thing to do: they decided to kick the mules’ arrogant arses and send them back into the hilly forest for being a royal pain in the arse.

The moral of the story is: Don’t be an ASS.

OK I know… the ending of the story is somewhat lame & super kaulat anti climax (the last paragraph) =P. But the story has a point to make. Guess who are the mules?
The explanation of this story is here: Who Are The Mules?

Yours Animatedly,


Dead in MACC

Teoh Beng Hock. Murdered. The government did it. The BN government did it.

This would fit nicely in a crime/detective novel, or in season 5 of Prison Break, or it could even be made into Die Hard 5.0: The MACC Conspiracy. The producer can even claim it as a reality show.

Real sad lah, the poor lad. He was supposed to be married the next day. Now he’s dead. And a horrible death at that. What has become of Malaysia? I thought the Malays were supposed to be peace loving people as they claim to be. I guess the peace loving side has been replaced by the devil. These people are not Malay. They are not humans to begin with.

I can only hope that Teoh’s family will learn to cope with his death as time passes. And that they can find some comfort that many Malaysians mourn his death.

Click these 2 links and read the report and commentary. The conspiracy has just ceased to become a conspiracy.



I just watched the Petronas Merdeka advertisements produced by Yasmin Ahmad. The Yasmin Ahmad who speaks Cantonese. The Yasmin Ahmad who directed the movie Sepet.

They were hilarious, the ads. A series of interviews with children around the age of 8-10 (I think).

These children were asked about their friends, their relationship (I didn’t even know what is a relationship until I was 15 X^D ), and what is race.

Their reaction reflects the bunch of rascals, ooops I mean err… kids I am teaching right now:

“Hah? 什么来的?” (Huh? What is that thing [called race] ? )

“老师,什么是 kaum 和 bangsa?” (Teacher, what is race?)

I would normally just give them a Mandarin translation of ‘race’… which is 种族.

Then more questions would come. And I just can’t seem to make them grasp the concept of race, no matter how hard or how long I try to explain. And I’m glad that they don’t know. They simply don’t care. They see other kids, they just join them and run around together.

Despite all the racial slurs that I utter carelessly when I’m around friends, I never say any of those things to these children. And I always encourage them to be respectful towards people of other religion and culture. I don’t want them to grow up becoming cynics and racists like me. (Eventually, the reality of Malaysia will erase my efforts. But I hope I manage to delay the process. =)

So why is our KNNCCB-FUBAR-gahmen is still trying to play along the racial lines? And what’s worse… we adults (supposedly more wise/learned/educated/civilised/cultured) suck up to the gahmen’s bullsh!t.

You go eat sh!t lah, stupid BN! Our country could have been great and strong and rich and prosperous.
But look at us now. None of the elder people I spoke with encourage me to stay & work in Malaysia—our own country. And all of my friends have got a secret plan/hope/wish to migrate or work in a foreign country. This like so ‘WTF?!’

My form 6 teacher, Pn Mazlini mentioned that she is so sad to hear that many of her brightest students have left Malaysia to work… with the intention of returning to Malaysia only to retire 30 years from now. She feels that it is such a waste that after so many years of nurturing all these talents, Malaysia doesn’t appreciate these people and let them slip away.

Eat sh1t lah, you stupid Malay gahmen! (Oops… there goes my racial slur again! X^D )

Now, go check out the hilarious & heart-warming videos in Youtube:

The love of Tan Hong Ming

Who is your friend?

How to spell dinosaur


Bee En downfall parody

Small talk…
Pak Lah and Najis changed portfolio. Najis? Finance?? Pak Lah? Defence?? Nothing more than a superficial move.

This is ridiculously funny. You might want to pause the video to read the subtitles again and again. Credit goes to for making it.


KLCI in vomit blood

Small talk…
My posting of Martin Niemöller’s When They Came proved to be prophetic. =)


As expected, KLCI lost slightly less than 1 pint of blood (out of 8. I got my own cacat calculations lah). Serious enough to be admitted. But far from dying. And as of today, it lost another 1 and a half pint more blood.

Lots of ‘experts’ in various internet forums are now saying the the full effect of the sub-prime crisis is being felt now… you know lah, the Americans and their complicated financial systems and creative financing and labyrinthine derivatives… sh!t like this is simply waiting to happen.
If it’s complicated, confusing and in Greek, sh!t will happen. If I can’t understand it, it’s not worth it.

Malaysian’s situation is made worse by the stupiak political scene. We’ve been on autopilot since the day Pak Lah became da man. I’m not sure where our country is headed. I can’t feel the vibrance of development in the air.

The KLCI apparently have been dropping just a wee bit faster than expected. So lots of people have been flip-flopping their position of when best to enter the market. The parameters change, the strategy have to change to adapt to it.

I’m beginning to wonder… if all these have less to do with how low KLCI will drop, and more to do with time factor. It just takes time to correct itself and recover. It certainly takes time for our political brouhaha to play out and make a mess out of itself.

So it’s back to more waiting as the economy and stock market searches for a direction. Maybe I should start looking into investing in the US.

In the mean time, the best bet now is to put your money in mutual funds ( <– S. Dali suggest using EPF to invest, a smart suggestion which I didn’t think off). Do a standing instruction with the bank to do monthly investments. Use this consistent investment to average out the crazy market movement (which has no direction <–this is worse than crazy). I know this is a blatant self-promotion… I’m a Public Mutual agent after all =P . But trust me, this is a rare opportunity… it’ll turn out to be gold in the future (well, unless Public Mutual gulung tikar).

the INvestor/



*This will be No more sticky posted. This is serious sh!t. Spread the word around to those around you. You’d rather be safe than sorry.

3 unfortunate soulz haf bean tangkap under the draconian/wicked/evil/nasty/sinister/vicious/demonic lSA.

  1. Raja Pe+ra Kamarudin of Malaysia-T0day for saying something bad about Islam. (blogger)
  2. Ms Tan H00n Cheng, the Sin Chew reporter who reported Ah-MAD’s racist remark. (reporter) [released after 16 hours with the lame excuse of protecting her]
  3. Teresa K0k, DAP member of parliament for Seputeh. Donch knoe whai kena lokap pun. (opposition) [released, was framed by Khir Toyol for the the azan letter thingy]

UMN0 has gone nutz and crazee wei. For those who are katak di bawah tempurung… allowz me to clue you in a bit.
Ah-MAD is the seed of the whole brouhaha. Now UMN0 tangkap blogger, reporter and opposition. This is to make the rakyat and opposition angry… with the hope that they will stage a demonstration or some sh!t lah. Then UMN0 will use this as an excuse to declare state of emergency/darurat.

Be afraid. Be very very afraid!

IT’Z A TARRRP!!!1! Do nut rezponse!

UMN0 iz akting teh funneh. Stei come. Dis iz Pak Lah’z ultymet pwnage. Donch let hims ownz us.
The picture is to inject some light humour, but the issue at hand is still not funny.

Quoted from shadowfox ( )

Plans are on the way by the government to incite riots. Remain calm and don’t overreact.I wouldn’t be surprised they have another final lethal attempt, should all their current efforts fail to provoke us.

I predict the Barisan/Umno government will unleash hordes of private armies to commit crimes, rape, destruction to provoke you further into reacting physically.

They will try to cause armed conflicts and civil strife if all else fails.

Stock up some food, stay home if possible, or go straight home after work.The next in line to be arrested will be Anwar Ibrahim. Stay cool, calm, and don’t play into their hands.

But do keep some weapons in the house just in case they unleash hordes of rempits to ransack/attack you in the house.

This would be their last ditch effort, to actually maul you physically if all other provocation fails. They just want you to react.

It’s like, they beat you to a pulp and when you retaliate then they accuse you of assault and arrest you to justify their next course of action.

Don’t react physically unless you really have to.

Quoted from

I would like to call upon all Malaysians to do these:

  1. Remain calm
  2. Do not do anything rash
  3. Do not take to the street
  4. Do not be instigated by people to demonstrate
  5. Just voice it out in your blog, your comments to the blogs, and inform your friends and relatives about the situation
  6. Call your ADUNs or MPs and voice out your objection about these arrests and urge your representatives to voice out
  7. Members of political parties, sms your leaders to pressure them to voice out

We shall object to these draconian acts by using civility and do not fall into the traps of giving the big brother a chance to declare emergency rule……

the PAranoid/

P.S. iamyuanwu’s prediction on the KLCI: it will lose at least 7 pints of bl00d (there’s only 8 pints of bl00d in a human). And with the chaos, Ringgit gonna plunge to RM4.00/USD by year end ( )?


Of Ahmad, Chinese and immigrants

I’m going to quote a very cliche poem that’s been quoted a gazillion times in times like this. There are numerous versions out there, here’s one… which I took the liberty in editing certain terms to suit our local situation better. =)

When the Nazis BN/UMN0 came for the communists opposition,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist in opposition.

When they locked up the social democrats activists,
I remained silent;
I was not an social democrat activist.

When they came for the trade unionists non-Malays,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist non-Malay.

When they came for the Jews dan-lain-lains,
I remained silent;
I wasn’t a Jew dan-lain-lains.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

— supposedly by Martin Niemöller, but re-phrased by iamyuanwu =P —

Where in the world are all the moderate Malays and all the sane minded Malays when their opinions and voices are needed the most?

Apparently, they have left Malaysia too! People like Karim Raslan, Farish Noor, Dr Bakri Musa, and Azly Rahman, etc are all based else where. I mean they drop by Malaysia once in a while, but then…

I remember reading a book (The Chinese Dilemma) mentioned about “a top gahmen leader” (if memory serves me well, it was Tun AbduI Razak. Can you freaking believe it?!) when asked about the brain drain issue of Chinese Malaysians. Here’s what he said…

“Good riddance to bad rubbish.”

Now, even sensible Malays are gone. Liddat, Malaysia can die liao lah.

And, oh… before I end……

It’s a TARP!!!1!
Diz Ah-MAD dewd iz akting de funneh…. him wantz to insait teh rasherrl tenshun, stloke Malay fearz and creatz teh May13 again. zOMG!!1! Hoo knowz, maiby iz Pak Lah’z ultymet pwnage.

I reepeeet:
IT’Z A TARRRP!!!1! Do nut rezponse.

the IMmigrant/

iamyuanwu’s fitness

Simplefit Level 6 day 3 = 14min 12s (12 Sep, Fri)

Hundred Pushups = Week 3 day 3 (13 Sep, Tue)

Stronglift 5x5 = temporary hiatus. Someone help me kick start plz, I mustn't waste the free Fitnesss First membership!

BN/UMN0 pisses me off!

Sep 05 BN MPs go 'study tour' to prevent them from jumping ship. X^D Stupiak tactic.
Sep 04 DrM 老马's seditious blog post <--click) inciting Malays to go amok. Told you DrM is evil.
Aug 29 Ahmad Ismail called me a bl00dy pendatang & do not deserve equal treatment. WTF?!

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