Archive for August, 2009


Han Chinese? Chinese Malaysian? Malaysian Chinese?

A little update on the Malaysian Chinese? Chinese Malaysian? post.

A week ago, I went for a jogging session. The last time I ran seriously was 4-5 years ago. So as for whatever is left of my paltry stamina, I hope I don’t faint and fall into the West Lake.

After the run (took me 1 hour to complete a miserable 5k), I sat down with the runners + hashers and tokok. There’s this Chinese (Han) looking dude with an American accent. I eventually found out that his family migrated to USA when he was very young.

Half way talking he was curious that I’m a Malaysian, but with a Chinese (Han) face, and a weird accent (yes, we Malaysians have an accent).

So he asked me what am I. And so I replied him that I’m a Malaysian, but my of Chinese ethnicity.

Then he started off with his rant about how the term Chinese is actually a fairly recent word. It was created by one Chinese leader of the recent past (couldn’t remember: Chiang Kai Shek? Sun Yat Sen? ).

The actual meaning of the word ‘Chinese’ is to define the people under the rule of China. It was brought about to unite the people of China by using a common term/word.

Therefore, he continues, the word Chinese does carry any reference of race or ethnicity. It is supposed to be a identity of the people (emotionally, culturally, nationally) attached to the country China. And for this reason alone, I should not be saying that I’m a Chinese… or that my ethnicity is Chinese.

An example he gave me is that: the people in Xinjiang are Chinese, because Xinjiang is part of China. But their race/ethnicity is Uighur. And the same goes for many other minority race (少数民族) in China and Taiwan.
(If I may add: technically, we should be calling them Uighur Chinese.)

The correct way of indicating my ethnicity is to call myself a ‘Han 汉’ instead. Because the word ‘Han 汉’ is the only word use to identify the ‘Han’ people — 汉族.

And I fully agree with him. In fact, when I tell the gwailos that I’m Malaysian… they later follow up with another question: “You look like the Chinese people.” Then they fumble a little before finally asking in a very subtle + polite + politically-correct manner, “I mean, are you Han? As in does your ancestry trace back to China?”

I was often surprised by this reference of ‘Han’, and I’ll reply, “Yeah, my ancestors came from China.” Now I know where did that curiosity came from.

Perhaps I should add this line when I answer the same question in the future, “I guess you could call me a Han Malaysian if you like. But I would prefer that you just call me a Malaysian.”

Yours Patriotically,


iamyuanwu’s routine 1

Yesterday, I did a weird sh!t routine that I composed myself.
Does the exercise routine make any sense at all? No it doesn’t.
So why still do it? Because I love these exercises. And that’s all the motivation I needed for yesterday!

The usual warm up:

15sec of each: skipping on the spot (with high knee), jumping jacks, running on the spot, jumping side to side, pushups, crunches, mountain climber, burpees.
According to a research from West Point (no.1 US military school), this warm up can help trainees run faster and jump higher. And I find it a quick way to get my temperature.

4-5 minutes of simple mobility drills e.g. leg swings, arm circles, loosening up the muscles and joints.

5-10 vertical jumps.
I found out that [max effort] jumping or sprinting spikes up my nervous system. There was once, I was so lethargic I actually napped for 10 minutes in the gym before I started training. And became totally groggy. After a few jumps, I’m hyped up, and ready to go!

Here’s the routine. Most are done with 90-120s rest.

1) (push) Inclined DB press –> 13kg, 2×20, 4min rest
2) (legs) Bulgarian split squat –> 35kg bar, 2×10 [fried my legs too soon]
3) (pull) Chin up + face pull super set –> 2x max chin ups + 2lbs 2×10
4) (legs) Pistols –> 1×10 [I feel that I might puke if I did an extra set]
5) (shoulder) Alternating DB upright row –> 13kg 2×10
6) (a$$) Single arm DB swings –> 13kg 2×10 [for the last few reps, my abs were getting sore & my form was getting sloppy]
7) (pull) Self supported DB rows –> 13kg 2×10
8) (a$$) DB snatch –> 13kg 2×10
9) (abs+shoulder) Turkish get-up –> 13kg 2×2 [my grip was giving up from all those DB power movements]
10) (abs) Plank –> 10kg plate, 40sec

(notice that with the exception of 1 & 3, all exercise involves the abs)

It took me approximately 80 minutes to complete. It was actually pretty tough. My heart rate never dropped even with 90s rest between sets. And I’m continuously panting and sucking air. And the weirdest thing is I had a side stitch for a while (those pain on the side when jogging or running). LOL!

After taking a shower, I noticed that I’m in a surprisingly good mood. And I feel refreshed. Like a runners/cardio high!
I’m putting this routine into my permanent programme! Whoever is crazy enough, do try it out too!

Yours Strongly,

P.S. while doing the swings, a dude came over and asked me if I practise Sanda (散打chinese kickboxing). Hah hah! Objective tercapai. I’m looking forward to a fighter’s physique.

iamyuanwu’s fitness

Simplefit Level 6 day 3 = 14min 12s (12 Sep, Fri)

Hundred Pushups = Week 3 day 3 (13 Sep, Tue)

Stronglift 5x5 = temporary hiatus. Someone help me kick start plz, I mustn't waste the free Fitnesss First membership!

BN/UMN0 pisses me off!

Sep 05 BN MPs go 'study tour' to prevent them from jumping ship. X^D Stupiak tactic.
Sep 04 DrM 老马's seditious blog post <--click) inciting Malays to go amok. Told you DrM is evil.
Aug 29 Ahmad Ismail called me a bl00dy pendatang & do not deserve equal treatment. WTF?!

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