Archive for the 'Miscelleneous' Category


Liver herbs

Milk Thistle

Pharmacology of silymarin

Silymarin treatment of hepatitisDiabetes too? Refer to reference

Diabetes? Refer to ref

Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP), Goji berry

Phyllanthus niruri (Hepar-P)


Hyperthyroidism (and related stuff)

A colleague of mine has Hyperthyroidism. So being both curious & concerned, I’m digging out all info I can find that can help with hyperthyroidism. [ search for hyperthyroidism and Graves’ disease. Link broken, I think website down. ]
[ related: Mercury detox protocol = ]


Protected: A Cartier and a Casio

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I’m Back

Woooo! Work in HZ ended and I’m back to KL.
Home sweet home.

In Arnold’s The Terminator voice:
“I’m baaack!”


Found… dead or un-alive

This morning, while taking my bath a morbid thought flashed through my head.

There’s a electrical socket in my bathroom, where the water heater is plugged into. When the heater is operating, if I turn off the switch… there would be a spark in the switch. It’s pretty scary, considering that the bathroom (and sometimes my fingers too) is damp and wet.

Death from electrocution is a very real risk.

Then *THE FLASH* came. You know, like in some comedies or cartoons when the heavens decide to shower the character with blessings and flood them with the sun’s ray shining through the clouds to create a Jesus light effect. Wooooo!

Yeah, that’s what happened to me, except that it’s not exactly a comforting thought.

In the very sad (or happy, depending on how much you hate me) event that I get electrocuted in my bathroom… I wonder how long would it take for someone to actually finally find out that my dead body has been decaying? Or who would be the first to figure out I’m dead?

My colleagues certainly wouldn’t call to check out on me, because they would assume that I’ve gone to the retail shop to help out. Probably 10 days before they realise I’m missing.

My bosses would certainly not be the first. They wouldn’t even know where am I, much less care.

My parents would find out 1-2 months later, because that’s how often they call me.

My social circles in HZ would find out 3-4 months later, probably in the news… or from gossips. And I’d probably be the first dead HZ Hash House Harrier, and turn into a legend of some sort.

My buddies would only notice something wrong 3-4 weeks later when there’s no Facebook updates or MSN logins.

My neighbour would probably find out 1 week later when I’m decomposing… giving off a foul decaying smell.

I don’t have a girlfriend to speak of, and even if I have one… she might finally figure out that I’m dead probably 3-4 days later.

This is so fxcking sad.


Han Chinese? Chinese Malaysian? Malaysian Chinese?

A little update on the Malaysian Chinese? Chinese Malaysian? post.

A week ago, I went for a jogging session. The last time I ran seriously was 4-5 years ago. So as for whatever is left of my paltry stamina, I hope I don’t faint and fall into the West Lake.

After the run (took me 1 hour to complete a miserable 5k), I sat down with the runners + hashers and tokok. There’s this Chinese (Han) looking dude with an American accent. I eventually found out that his family migrated to USA when he was very young.

Half way talking he was curious that I’m a Malaysian, but with a Chinese (Han) face, and a weird accent (yes, we Malaysians have an accent).

So he asked me what am I. And so I replied him that I’m a Malaysian, but my of Chinese ethnicity.

Then he started off with his rant about how the term Chinese is actually a fairly recent word. It was created by one Chinese leader of the recent past (couldn’t remember: Chiang Kai Shek? Sun Yat Sen? ).

The actual meaning of the word ‘Chinese’ is to define the people under the rule of China. It was brought about to unite the people of China by using a common term/word.

Therefore, he continues, the word Chinese does carry any reference of race or ethnicity. It is supposed to be a identity of the people (emotionally, culturally, nationally) attached to the country China. And for this reason alone, I should not be saying that I’m a Chinese… or that my ethnicity is Chinese.

An example he gave me is that: the people in Xinjiang are Chinese, because Xinjiang is part of China. But their race/ethnicity is Uighur. And the same goes for many other minority race (少数民族) in China and Taiwan.
(If I may add: technically, we should be calling them Uighur Chinese.)

The correct way of indicating my ethnicity is to call myself a ‘Han 汉’ instead. Because the word ‘Han 汉’ is the only word use to identify the ‘Han’ people — 汉族.

And I fully agree with him. In fact, when I tell the gwailos that I’m Malaysian… they later follow up with another question: “You look like the Chinese people.” Then they fumble a little before finally asking in a very subtle + polite + politically-correct manner, “I mean, are you Han? As in does your ancestry trace back to China?”

I was often surprised by this reference of ‘Han’, and I’ll reply, “Yeah, my ancestors came from China.” Now I know where did that curiosity came from.

Perhaps I should add this line when I answer the same question in the future, “I guess you could call me a Han Malaysian if you like. But I would prefer that you just call me a Malaysian.”

Yours Patriotically,


Currency War

I’m currently reading a book titled Currency Wars 货币战争 by 宋鸿兵 Song Hongbing. A bit of history into how our current financial system came about sent me some chills. It’s a totally messed up system, and normal people like you and me are those that are AFFECTED MOST by this system.
I’ve just finished chapter 1. I can’t read Chinese fast, so can’t blame me for the turtle speed of my progress. LOL!
Will talk about it more as I read the book.


Zhang Ziyi was stalking me!

After a nice gym session and a happy dinner alone in one fine evening… I cycled back to my bachelor pad, looking forward to a nice cool shower. As I opened the door, I felt something was not quite right in my apartment.

The room was dark. The air was stale. The red obstacle lights on top of the opposite apartment pulsing like the heartbeat of a dying Ultraman. The dim moonlight was shining it’s ethereal lights through the long and heavy curtains, creating weird silhouettes across the room.

My pupils dilated as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I entered the room. And my hand instinctively felt around the wall to look for the switch. 

Suddenly, I felt a chill. As if someone was watching. I turned right and tried to look into the darkness. My heartbeat raced and I could feel a surge of adrenaline rushing through my veins.

And there amongst the shadows and moonlight, is a face. Or something that resembles a face. It wasn’t clear, but I could recognise the eyes, staring straight at me. Eyes that I will remember for a long long time.

Eyes that I had remembered.

Continue reading ‘Zhang Ziyi was stalking me!’


My D70s kena jampi by n00bs!

think my Nikon D70s SLR camera has a curse/spell/jampi. Probably one of those special built-in features that Nikon doesn’t tell its consumers. Like how certain old Nintendo games have this Konami code (up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, enter;, so famous was the code amongst geeks & nerds that even Google Reader has it. LOLz!

Back to topic,
Lets just call it the built-in jampi in my camera. Or maybe so many n00bie hands have touch this magical light box, that it instilled a special power to the camera… No, wait. I mean:
…so many n00bie hands have touched this magical light box, thus automatically placing a super-duper-terrijible-horrijible-vegetable curse on the next n00b that dares puts his/her n00bie finger on this powder-coated-black shutter release button.

So what’s this curse all about?

Every n00b (well, almost every) that I have lent my D70s to, have shot a photo of their feet/toes. Not just a shot, sometimes even mulitple-machine-gun-like shots have been taken too. *slaps forehead*

Don’t believe me? Here are a few samples.



Hooters is CLOSED!

I was walking to the police station to register for my Alien Employment Permit (外国人就业证).  Now I have a little brown book saying that I’m a frigging alien. Anyway, as I was saying… I was walking to the police station when I saw a notice on a glass window. Being curious, I took a glimpse. In some broken English,  it said something to this effect:

Hooters Restaurant in HZ is closed for the time being… due to the heavy subway construction in front of it.

Aiseh, do they really have to close it down?! I thought I could drop by one day and enjoy some mountain and valley scenery.  Not to mention seeing them waiter dancing YMCA on the tables. X^D

Young man, there’s a place you can go. I said, young man, when you’re short on your dough. You can stay there, and I’m sure you will find Many ways to have a good time. It’s fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A. It’s fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A. They have everything for you men to enjoy, You can hang out with all the boys … It’s fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A. It’s fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.

Speaking of which, did you know that the YMCA Song is a gay song? Eee yerrr…!! To quote from Wikipedia:

Taking the song at face value, its lyrics extol the virtues of the Young Men’s Christian Association. In the gay culture from which the group sprang, the song was understood as celebrating the YMCA’s reputation as a popular cruising and hookup spot, particularly for the younger gay men to whom it was addressed.[1] The song has continued to remain popular due to its status as a disco classic and gay anthem […]

I ain’t dancing no YMCA song no more, yo!


P.S. *hums the YMCA song subconciously…*

iamyuanwu’s fitness

Simplefit Level 6 day 3 = 14min 12s (12 Sep, Fri)

Hundred Pushups = Week 3 day 3 (13 Sep, Tue)

Stronglift 5x5 = temporary hiatus. Someone help me kick start plz, I mustn't waste the free Fitnesss First membership!

BN/UMN0 pisses me off!

Sep 05 BN MPs go 'study tour' to prevent them from jumping ship. X^D Stupiak tactic.
Sep 04 DrM 老马's seditious blog post <--click) inciting Malays to go amok. Told you DrM is evil.
Aug 29 Ahmad Ismail called me a bl00dy pendatang & do not deserve equal treatment. WTF?!

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